
Type: terrestrial

Position: Sol System

Star Type: G2 - yellow

Length of Year: 224.7 Earth days

Moons: none

Atmosphere: Venus' atmosphere of carbon dioxide and thick cloud cover of highly concentrated sulfuric acid cause an intense greenhouse effect. Although not much light penetrates the dense atmosphere, what does make it through is reradiaded as infared light, resulting in the intense heat of the planet's surface, far exceeding that of any other planet or moon in the solar system.  The atmosphere is also extremely dense, the equivalent of about 1 kilometer below Earth's oceans. The severe pressure will require special structural engineering in order to avoid being crushed. While Venus' upper atmosphere is characterized by strong winds, its lower atmosphere is relatively calm.

Hydrosphere: Trace amounts of water vapor have been found in the environment and are tapped in order to help sustain life on Venus' surface.

Gravity: 0.907 (9/10 Earth Gravity)

Population: 30,000

 World Profile: Named after the Roman Goddess of love for its brilliant glow, Venus holds no physical resemblance to its namesake. The planet is one of the harshest environments in the Solar System. Although Venus is a near twin in shape and mass to Earth as well as being the closest planet, its atmosphere will make establishing colonies difficult

Other Details:

Diameter: 12,103.6 Kilometers

Distance from Sun: 0.7 Astronomical Units

Distance from Earth: 42 Million Kilometers

Surface Composition: Basaltic Rock and Molten Lava

Atmospheric Pressure: 92 Bar

Surface Temperature: 460 °Celsius

Axis Rotation: 243

Solar Orbit Period (year): 224.7 Days

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This page was last edited on: December 21, 2021

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