
worlds_mars.gif (7487 bytes)

Type: terrestrial

Position: Sol System

Star Type: G2 - yellow worlds_sun.gif (4993 bytes)

Length of Year: 686.98 Earth days

Moons: 2

Atmosphere: The atmosphere of Mars is characterized by extensive haze and fog, and is often further clouded by dust storms. Like Earth, Mars has seasons that result from its oblique rotational axis. The atmosphere is primarily composed of carbon dioxide, with limited amounts of nitrogen, argon, and water vapor.

Hydrosphere: none; but polar caps and underground reservoirs contain large amounts of water for colony

Gravity: 0.3799 (~1/3 Earth Gravity)

Population: 2.5 million (est. *)

World Profile: Mars' first permanent colony was originally established in 2088.


Flag of the Mars Republic in 2649

Mars, independent in 2649,  is a leading industrial centre. Mars is rich in underground water reserves and other natural minerals. The weather can be extremely brutal due to large dust storms that cover large portions of the planet. A concerted terraforming effort began in the 23rd century and took 500 years to complete.

There is no magnetic field on Mars, which leads us to believe there is no metallic core.  Satellite imagery and extensive surveying teams have reported that Mars has vast cratering like Earth's moon in addition to cracked lava beds with sheer cliffs that drop down into deep valleys. A massive volcano, the Olympus Mons, is the largest in the solar system with a diameter of 550 kilometers and a height of 27 kilometers.

Teams have not delivered confirmation on whether or not the volcano is active, yet pilots are warned that volcanic activity could occur and would provide a significant hazard.  Wind and solar energy provide adequate power for colonization. Moderate water supplies can be found among the frozen carbon dioxide in the polar caps.   Mars' topography and maze-like world require special instrumentation to navigate. Negotiating riverbeds and cliffs poses grave danger to navigating the planet's surface.

Other Details:

Diameter: 6794 Km

Length of Day: 24.6229 Earth hours

Polar Inclination: 23.98 Degrees

Mass: 0.1074 Earth masses

Density: 3.94

Escape Velocity: 5.03 km/sec

Distance from Sun: 1.5 Astronomical Units

Distance from Earth: 56 Million Kilometers

Surface Composition: Basaltic Rock and Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice)

Atmospheric Pressure: 0.007 Bar

Surface Temperature: -23 °Celsius

Axis Rotation: 1.03

Solar Orbit Period (year): 686.98 Days

   * = exact data unavailable  

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This page was last edited on: December 21, 2021

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