
worlds_luna.gif (7031 bytes)

Type: terrestrial moon

Position: Sol System orbiting Earth

G2 - yellow worlds_sun.gif (4993 bytes)

Length of Year: 27.322 days (1 month)

Moons: 0

Atmosphere: none

Hydrosphere: none

Gravity: 0.1653 Standard (1/6 Earth Gravity)

Population: 80,000 (est. *)

World Profile: Established in 2044, as the first Earth in-system colony, Luna is a major in-system industrial centre.

Other Details:

Diameter: 3476 Km

Distance from Earth: 384,400 Kilometers

Polar Inclination: 1 Degrees 21 minutes

Mass: 0.0203 Earth masses

Surface Composition: Basaltic Rock

Surface Temperature: Near side - 107 °Celsius, Far side - 153 °Celsius

Density: 3.342

Escape Velocity: 2.38 km/sec

Axis Rotation: Static

 * = exact data unavailable

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 his page was last edited on: December 21, 2021